Demystifying Open Source

What is an Open Source?

Open Source is a term usually used to refer to an Open Source Software. It literally means “Software with open (publicly accessible) source code”. Any project where you have opened up usage and modification rights for others to use within the constraints of your asks if any as communicated in the LICENSE file is called open source.  Open Source can only maintain its identity until it follows these key principles.

a. Anyone Can See

b. Anyone Can Modify

c. Anyone Can Distribute

Open Source thrives and continuously evolves through feedback and collaborative mechanisms. This model brings flexibility, longevity, and cheaper cost than proprietary software. 

There are several types of open-source licenses, each with its terms and conditions regarding the use, modification, and distribution of the software. Some common types of open-source licenses include:

GNU General Public License (GPL): This license ensures that the software remains free and open source. It requires that any modifications or derivative works also be licensed under the GPL, ensuring that the code remains open.

MIT License: This is a permissive license that allows users to do almost anything they want with the software, including modifying, distributing, and using it in proprietary software, as long as they include the original copyright notice and disclaimer.

Apache License: Similar to the MIT License, the Apache License is a permissive license that allows users to use, modify, and distribute the software, with the added condition that any modifications made to the code must be marked.

These are just a few examples of open-source licenses, and there are many other variations and combinations available to suit different needs and preferences. Developers and users need to understand the specific terms and conditions of each license before using or contributing to open-source software.

Why build open source?

Building open-source software offers a multitude of benefits for both individuals and the broader community, fostering personal growth, collaboration, and trust. Here are three main reasons why individuals and organizations engage in open-source development.

1. Decentralized Technology

  • Open-source software promotes transparency by making code accessible to all.
  • Building trust and confidence among users who understand the technology they adopt.
  • The openness invites scrutiny and validation, serving as proof of reliability and encouraging widespread adoption.

2. Reputation Building

  • Participation in open-source projects establishes credibility for contributors, showcasing their expertise to the software community.
  • Organizations, through their open-source contributions, demonstrate their commitment to quality standards and promote a culture of openness and collaboration.

3. Software Enhancement

  • Open source projects benefit from the contributions of diverse individuals and end users who identify issues, suggest improvements, and contribute to new use cases.
  • Collaborative approach adds value for enterprises, who recognize the credibility of open source solutions and benefit from the transparency and ongoing development.

Real-world examples:

  • Jenkins: An open-source automation server that helps automate the building, testing, and deployment of software projects.

  • WordPress: An open-source content management system (CMS) that powers millions of websites and blogs around the world.

  • Realm: An open-source mobile database that enables developers to build reactive mobile apps with real-time data synchronization.

  • OBS Studio: An open-source software for video recording and live streaming. It's widely used by gamers, content creators, and professionals for broadcasting.

  • Electron: An open-source framework for building cross-platform desktop applications using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  • Bitcoin: Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that enables peer-to-peer transactions without the need for a central authority or intermediary.

  • React: React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, developed and maintained by Facebook and a community of developers. It facilitates the creation of dynamic and interactive web applications.

  • Flask: Flask is a lightweight and flexible web framework for Python, designed to make web development simple and scalable. It is widely used for building web applications and APIs.

  • TensorFlow: TensorFlow is an open-source machine learning framework developed by Google, designed to facilitate the development and deployment of machine learning models across various platforms.

Finding Your Spark

Brainstorming Ideas

Brainstorming involves tapping into the collective expertise and creativity of the community. This process encourages open dialogue and idea-sharing, enabling individuals to identify shared interests, needs, and potential solutions collaboratively. Through brainstorming sessions, you can explore diverse perspectives, leverage your unique experiences, and generate innovative concepts that address common challenges.

Validating Your Concept

Validating your concept is a critical step in the journey of bringing an idea to fruition. This involves conducting thorough market research to understand the competitive landscape, and emerging trends. Additionally, gathering user feedback helps refine the concept and identify areas for improvement.

Planning for Success

Planning for success entails defining clear project goals, establishing a strategic roadmap, and outlining achievable milestones. By setting specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) objectives, project teams can track progress effectively and stay focused on key priorities. Allocating resources efficiently, including human capital, time, and budget, ensures that the project remains on track and can adapt to evolving needs and challenges.

Building Your Foundation

Choosing a name

Select a title that is catchy and memorable and also closely aligned with the purpose and essence of your project. A well-chosen name serves as a powerful identifier, capturing the essence of your project's mission, vision, and values. It should resonate with your target audience, evoke curiosity, and leave a lasting impression.

License selection

Grasping the intricacies of different open-source licenses entails comprehending the spectrum of permissions and restrictions they impose on users and contributors.

Setting up your repository

GitHub, acquired by Microsoft, and GitLab, a venture-backed startup, are both web-based platforms designed for hosting and managing Git repositories, but they differ in certain aspects.


  • GitHub has been a dominant force in the open-source community, offering a wide range of features including code review, issue tracking, and project management tools.
  • It boasts a large and active user base, making it an ideal platform for open-source projects and collaborative development.
  • GitHub also provides integrations with various third-party services and a vibrant ecosystem of extensions and tools.


  • GitLab offers a comprehensive set of features, including built-in continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, issue boards, and an integrated Docker container registry.
  • It is known for its "single application" approach, which provides a seamless experience for developers by integrating all aspects of the development lifecycle into a single platform.
  • GitLab is available in both self-hosted and cloud-hosted versions, offering flexibility in deployment options.

Best Practices for Organization and Collaboration

Clear Repository Structure

  • Establish a clear and intuitive repository structure that reflects the project's architecture and components. 
  • Organize files and directories logically to facilitate navigation and maintainability.


  • Maintain comprehensive documentation to guide contributors and users.
  • Include information about installation, usage, contribution guidelines, and project governance.

Branching Strategy

  • Adopt a branching strategy such as GitFlow or GitHub Flow to streamline development workflows.
  • Ensure consistency in version control practices.

Code Reviews

  • Encourage regular code reviews to promote quality, collaboration, and knowledge sharing among team members. 
  • Leverage built-in code review tools to provide feedback and address issues efficiently.

Issue Tracking

  • Use issue-tracking systems to manage tasks, bugs, and feature requests effectively.
  • Encourage clear and descriptive issue descriptions, labels, and milestones to facilitate prioritization and tracking of progress.

CI/CD Pipelines

  • Implement continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines to automate testing, building, and deployment processes
  • Regularly monitor pipeline results and address failures promptly to maintain code quality and reliability.

Security and Compliance

Maintain a proactive approach to security and compliance by regularly scanning code for vulnerabilities, adhering to best practices for access control, and staying informed about relevant legal and regulatory requirements.

Crafting your README

Crafting your README involves creating a comprehensive and informative document that serves as the entry point for users and contributors to your project.

Clear Instructions

  • Ensure that your README begins with a concise and attention-grabbing description of your project, highlighting its purpose, key features, and potential benefits. Use plain language and avoid technical jargon to make the content accessible to a wide audience.
  • Include sections that cover essential information such as system requirements, dependencies, and installation instructions. Provide step-by-step guidance on how users can set up and configure the project to get it up and running smoothly.

Getting Started Guide

  • Include a dedicated section in your README that offers a comprehensive getting started guide for users who are new to your project.
  • Provide code snippets, examples, and screenshots to illustrate usage scenarios and showcase the project's capabilities.
  • Consider including links to additional resources such as tutorials, demo videos, or documentation to help users explore the project further.

Contribution Guidelines Link

  • Encourage collaboration and community engagement by including a prominent link to your project's contribution guidelines in the README.
  • Clearly define the expectations and requirements for contributions, such as code formatting standards, licensing agreements, and code review processes. Provide instructions on how contributors can fork the repository, make changes, and submit pull requests for review and integration.
  • Regularly update and maintain your README to reflect changes in the project's status, features, and community guidelines.

Building a website

Building a website for your project is a strategic endeavor aimed at showcasing its features, attracting contributors, and fostering community engagement.

Showcasing Your Project

  • A website serves as the digital storefront for your project, providing visitors with a comprehensive overview of its purpose, functionality, and value proposition.
  • Utilize visually appealing design elements, compelling imagery, and concise messaging to effectively communicate the unique selling points of your project.

Attracting Contributors

  • Your website should actively encourage and facilitate contributions from developers, designers, and other stakeholders interested in contributing to your project.
  • Include links to your project's source code repository, contribution guidelines, and issue tracker to streamline the onboarding process for new contributors.
  • Highlight opportunities for collaboration, such as hackathons, coding challenges, or community meetups, to foster a sense of belonging and ownership among contributors.

Building Community Engagement

A website serves as a central hub for community engagement, enabling users and contributors to connect, collaborate, and exchange ideas. Incorporate interactive forums, discussion boards, or chat channels where community members can ask questions, share insights, and provide feedback in real time.

Built to Launch

Project Culture

  • Start by defining core values and principles that reflect the ethos of your project, such as transparency, collaboration, and respect for diverse perspectives.
  • Encourage open communication and constructive feedback among contributors, emphasizing the importance of empathy and mutual respect in all interactions.
  • Establish clear guidelines for behavior and conduct, and address any instances of discrimination, harassment, or exclusion promptly and decisively.

Code Quality

  • Setting standards for code quality is critical for ensuring the long-term sustainability and maintainability of your project. 
  • Define coding conventions, style guides, and best practices that promote readability, consistency, and modularity in your codebase. 
  • Encourage peer code reviews and automated testing to identify and address issues early in the development process. 
  • Document code architecture, design decisions, and implementation details to facilitate understanding and collaboration among team members and external contributors.

Commit Messages

  • Clear and informative commit messages are essential for tracking changes, understanding code history, and facilitating collaboration within your project.
  • Encourage contributors to follow a consistent format for commit messages, including a summary of the changes, a brief description of the motivation behind the changes, and any relevant issue or pull request references.
  • Emphasize the importance of descriptive and meaningful commit messages in facilitating code review, debugging, and documentation efforts.

Pre-launch Checklist

  • Before launching your open-source project publicly, ensure that everything is in place and ready for public consumption. 
  • Conduct a thorough review of your project's documentation, codebase, and dependencies to identify any potential issues or areas for improvement. 
  • Test your project across different environments and platforms to ensure compatibility and functionality. 
  • Verify that licensing information is clearly stated and that all necessary legal and compliance requirements have been met. 
  • Prepare marketing materials, announcements, and communication channels to promote your project and engage with potential users and contributors.

Building Community

Building a vibrant and engaged community around your open-source project is essential for its success and sustainability.

  • Leverage online platforms such as, forums, social media, and events to connect with like-minded individuals and organizations interested in your project's mission and objectives. 
  • Create opportunities for networking, knowledge sharing, and collaboration through virtual meetups, webinars, and hackathons. 
  • Actively engage with community members, solicit feedback, and encourage participation in project activities to foster a sense of ownership and belonging.

Managing Your Community

  • Establish channels for communication and support, such as mailing lists, forums, or chat rooms, where contributors and users can seek assistance and share insights. 
  • Respond promptly to inquiries, acknowledge contributions, and express gratitude for community involvement. 
  • Establish clear escalation paths and conflict resolution mechanisms to address disputes or disagreements constructively. 
  • Encourage a culture of collaboration, transparency, and inclusivity, where all voices are heard and valued in shaping the direction and impact of your open-source project.

Long-Term Sustainability

Maintaining Project Momentum

  • Regularly updating your project and addressing feedback is crucial for maintaining momentum and keeping your community engaged. 
  • Establish a cadence for releases and updates, incorporating new features, bug fixes, and performance enhancements based on user feedback and community contributions. 
  • Actively participate in discussions, forums, and social media channels to gather insights and prioritize development efforts effectively. Foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation within your project team, encouraging experimentation and exploration of new ideas and technologies.

Attracting and Retaining Contributors

  • Attracting and retaining contributors is essential for sustaining the growth and vibrancy of your open-source project. 
  • Recognize and reward participation by acknowledging contributions, highlighting achievements, and promoting community involvement through awards, badges, or special recognition programs. 
  • Create a welcoming and inclusive environment where contributors feel valued, empowered, and supported in their journey of learning and growth. 
  • Provide mentorship and guidance to new contributors, helping them navigate the project landscape and find meaningful ways to contribute.

Balancing Personal Schedules

  • Balancing personal schedules and commitments is key to maintaining your well-being and the overall health of your project. 
  • Develop effective time management strategies to prioritize tasks, set realistic goals, and allocate resources efficiently.
  • Delegate responsibilities and tasks to team members based on their strengths, interests, and availability, empowering them to take ownership and contribute meaningfully to project success.

Monetizing Your Open-Source

  • Consider alternative revenue streams such as sponsorships, donations, or crowdfunding campaigns to support ongoing development and maintenance efforts. 
  • Collaborate with industry partners, organizations, and enterprises to explore opportunities for commercialization, and licensing, to unlock enterprise value and drive revenue generation.