
Decentralized meme application development on the Solana blockchain, facilitated by the comprehensive open-source repository. Designed to equip developers with the necessary tools and functionalities, this repository empowers the creation, management, and interaction with meme-related tokens (NFTs) on Solana's cutting-edge blockchain infrastructure.

In an era defined by the fusion of blockchain technology and cultural expression, memes are a powerful medium encapsulating humor, artistry, and social commentary. Leveraging the decentralized nature of blockchain, this repository aims to elevate memes into tangible, immutable assets through the utilization of non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

Deployment Instructions


  • Clone this repo to your local system
  • Install the packages via npm
  • Copy and rename the example.env file to be named .env
  • Update the RPC_URL variable to be the cluster URL of a supporting RPC provider

Once you've completed the setup locally, we suggest exploring the code of the following files in sequence:

Upon reviewing the code within each of these scripts, proceed by executing them in sequential order.

Before utilizing this script to create a token on the Solana chain along with metadata, it's important to note that for your token metadata to be properly rendered in SolScan or the Solana Explorer, consider leveraging the metadata template provided in this repository's assets.

This script facilitates the minting of tokens based on the supply previously created using the create script.

Utilizing the revokeMintAuthority script enables the revocation of mint authority on the token we've minted. This action ensures that no additional tokens can be minted, thus establishing a fixed circulating supply for the token.

This script facilitates the transfer of a specified amount of tokens to the target address provided in the transfer script.

The updateTokenMetadata script is designed to assist in updating the metadata of a token, allowing for corrections or modifications as necessary.

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